

Contemporary art, its state and criticism, locally or at large, is the topic of discussion.
  • General topics and knee-jerk reactions are welcome.
  • If you're talking about a specific article or piece of criticism, provide a link (if applicable).
  • Title your threads appropriately. If your topic is about an article, using the title of the article is a good idea.
  • Images can be used to start a thread or reply. Supported formats are jpeg, gif, and png. Maximum file size is 2 Mb.
  • Your poop is never scooped... It just falls out!
  • You can view some other rules & stuff here.


1 Name: Anonymous : Fri Aug 15 18:05:43 2014 ID:oi+DY8h0 (Image: 465x620 jpg, 51 kb) [Del]

src/1408125943495.jpg: 465x620, 51 kb

I think Scott is trying to say somthing about posting...

'. x .'

20 Name: Anonymous : Sun Nov 2 16:52:51 2014 [Del]


21 Name: Anonymous : Sun Nov 2 16:54:31 2014 [Del]


22 Name: urcf : Sat Jan 3 03:13:56 2015 (Image: 642x382 png, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1420254836507.png: 642x382, 30 kb

23 Name: kfac : Sun May 31 22:47:54 2015 [Del]


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Independence: What is it, do you even? (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : Mon Dec 8 20:12:04 2014 (Image: 451x338 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

src/1418069524148.jpg: 451x338, 21 kb
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